The Sam D. Benson Scholarship

The IAAPOC Scholarship is given annually to a deserving student in Prosthetics and/or Orthotics. The Scholarship honors Mr. Sam D. Benson, C.O. who was certified by the American Board for Certification in 1981. Mr. Benson is a founding member of the Coalition and he became the first President of the IAAPOC . The IAAPOC was established in 1990 to promote the P & O profession in the African American Community. The Scholarship is funded by members of IAAPOC and their many supporters in the P&O Community. We appreciate this opportunity to assist you in your request.
Applicant must be of African [African American] Descent
Applicant must be enrolled in an NCOPE accredited Prosthetic & Orthotic program or accepted into an NCOPE accredited program.
The 2024-2025 Application is now open! Application link below:
You may mail monetary donations to
Tony Thaxton Jr.
1391 Everhart St SW
Atlanta, GA 30310-4321
** Make Checks Payable to IAAPOC **
On the 26th May 2022 we lost our Friend and Founder Member Otis Petties. Many of us had the pleasure of working with him in the field and within the organization. The IAAPOC is now accepting donations to our Sam D Benson Scholarship dedicated to the memory for Otis Petties.
2023 Gifts Received From:
Juanita Petties
Gwendolyn Joyner

Current Scholarship Recipents
The following MSPO students were awarded $1000 each though our annual Sam D. Benson Scholarship. Morgan Harris (Baylor), Claudine Humure (University of Washington), and Jasmyn Palmer (Kennesaw State University) are our 2022-2023 recipients. Congratulations to each of you.
